Lesson Learned

I’ll sell my right breast (I’m a bit partial to the left one) before I try to hook up another friend. I dabbled in the stars and attempted to play match-maker this week. It was an absolute train-wreck.

Before I give you the details, let me back up and tell you how this all came about. Tim (for the purposes of this blog) is a young, cute, gregarious lawyer with deep dimples and piercing blue eyes. Everyday he comes into my office to talk about family, girls, and all things unrelated to the practice of law. When I learned that he was single, I thought of a friend who I believed could provide some mental and physical stimulation. Knowing how hard it is to meet decent people these days, it seemed purely logical to me that these two should meet. Besides, I love love and the prospect of vicarious new love was too sweet to resist.

We arranged to meet for drinks after work this Wednesday. My good friend, Jenna--sharp, witty and passionate--was stunning as usual. We sat down, ordered drinks and settled in.

Tim, Mr. Lawyer, immediately turned the conversation to himself. He complained miserably about his job and clients for almost an hour. Jenna and I tried to offer levity to the conversation--making little jokes, inserting references to pop culture, to no avail. At the end of the night, we were nauseated.

Although Tim graduated from Harvard and went to one of the best law schools in the country—I realize that he is an idiot (in the nicest way possible). He made no good faith attempt to get to know Jenna –I was embarrassed for even suggesting that the two should meet. You cannot teach good manners, common sense or likeability at Harvard. He is a lawyer, and most lawyers are just like him, socially inept, self absorbed and flat out annoying.

I called Jenna after we parted and apologized for Tim’s behavior. We had a good laugh and agreed to meet again for drinks, just the two of us.

Now when I walk into the office and see Tim, I don’t question why he is alone. He probably will be alone until he moves to corporate law, which he will, and entices some young college graduate to marry him with his 401(k) earnings.

And yes, I am giving up my side hustle. No more match-making for me--at least not with lawyers. I’ve got more important things to do like go make world peace, or find the cure for cancer or something like that. This lawyer thing is so overrated.


Buttercup said…
must hav really sucked..i cn imagine how disappointed u were..atleast u n jenna had a laugh over it..lol..

im wit u on tryna make world peace n findin the cure for cancer!
Buttercup said…
haha 1st baby! n 2nd too! heehee..
Chari said…
buttercup! ahnahn! u sef!

eheen...shine...hmmmn...wwow...glad u learned ur lesson!

I dont know about all lawyers being like that...I think its jus dis one that let his achievements get to him...
The Socialite said…
Yeah I agree, I don't think that all lawyers are like that. But there are alot of guys that because of their accomplishments and the money they make, they are really into themselves. The crazy thing, like you said, is that they will always end up finding some women that is only interested in their money and live happily ever after!!!

Sidebar: Is anybody else finding that this dating market is bad!!! lol
Buttercup said…
@ chari..haha its my time boo!

@ the socialite..yea, i agree wit u on the datin market..y cnt it just be as easy as A B C??
shine said…

lol. yes, at least i got a good laugh and a story to tell. life is full of stories--i know that u've got lots to offer.


yeah, i don't think that all lawyers are like that--just lots of them :-( prob has something to do with the training. u think?


yes, some guys lean on accomplishments and money to boost self esteem--it is so unsexy. i love an authentic and confident man. And u are right, the dating market is horrid--but i'm staying out of it!

shine said…
@ torrance

lol. i'm sticking with my day job. btw--no books yet :-( u send them to the right address?
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amusing to me because i totally know to whom you are referring...who'd thunk, although not surprising, that behind that innocent, boyish smile and smooth, polished exterior lay a self-absorbed brat? if he talks as you say he did, I hope he extricates himself from that environment soon...that sort of energy is not needed for the sort of work we are doing. His mind and heart are not in the best of positions.

I think that it begins with the individual, and it is the indivdual who becomes attracted to this sort of profession, as opposed to the profession making the individual....the training only serves to bring out and enhance the unsavory qualities - 'tis a ripe environment to harvest the power of the characteristic manipulators, cheaters, liars, and scumbags. but in the eye of the storm lies mankind's few remaining hopefuls.
shine said…
@ astro

Oh my, I didn't even unleash the entire story here. There is much left to tell--after the bar, I will catch you up to speed. It's oh so interesting--oh so dreadful.

You are so right. This profession draws certain individuals. And for those unsavory characters--it merely helps them sharpen/enhance manipulative and arrogant qualities. You are a jerk before u even enter law school. Both u and i know how difficult it is to be in the middle of all of this. Yes, there are a few remaining hopefuls--i am so glad to have you by my side.
who? said…
oh wow... I used to talk about myself like Tim... but I realized that was no good... so I changed the game... and now I'm like the ideal mate... for any woman... basically what every woman wants minus the money, cars, house and rippling abs... anyway... so sad for Tim... Tell Jenna... or yourself... to holla at me if it's a good time she's... or you're... looking for ;)
shine said…
@ cool kidd

lol. I'll direct Jenna to your blog.
Anonymous said…
Wisdom rises yet again! But I have a feeling that the piercing arrows of love will strike again!
If only to your own advantage!

What's up Chocolate?

Thanks for the inspiration!

See ya soon :0)
Welcome to the match-making game, luv. Not since my uni days have I attempted to do it again. It backfired badly. In my case, they DID pair up and it was a match made in... HELL! And I was in the middle, almost literally. He was my best mate (and we parted not very amicably), she was one of my better friends (and had a big row that almost ended our friendship). My thoughts are with you. It's defo a tough situation to be in. Tim seems to me a typical guy, nothing to do with law practice. we are solipsistic by nature and it takes a lot to change us. But we do. Believe.

Greetings from London.

PS: I've just come out of my hibernation after endless job interviews and job applications, but it was worth every effort, I've got a new job.
shine said…
@ tony

arrows coming my way? do tell. glad to have you back and can't wait for the new post.


CONGRATULATIONS! Wow, that was fast--but I didn't expect anything less. So...tell me about the new job. So glad to have you back in the blog world. I'll be over to your site shortly.
Mizrepresent said…
Good try, but isn't it funny that you saw the real side of him then, lol...i have had some not-so-good matchups as well, and then again a few good ones!
Dreamy said…
hey shine thanks for stopping by my page, sweetie

with those kind of things you just never know how they are gonna turn out,lol

ohhhh well, you live and you learn

going back to read some older post, dont be a stranger you hear!!
shine said…
@ miz

yes, i got to see the real side of him. kinda wish that i didn't :-(

@ dreamy

hey girl! of course i won't be a stranger. i have to keep up with you. and yes, u live and u learn.
Hello, shine, my new job entails working with the local community as a community education coordinator and I am really looking forward to it. I have done it before within the arts sector, so I am not alien to it, yet the challenge is huge as the incumbent and the person I will replace in September has done a great deal of good work. But I love challenges, it is in my Scorpio nature.

Greetings from London.
You are too cute. Your wit is reminiscent of a good friend of mine.
shine said…
@ queen,

Lol. I hope that that is a good thing. Thanks for stopping in.

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